Source code for

"""Group model object and associated code for fitting the model to 2D groups of power spectra.

Methods without defined docstrings import docs at runtime, from aliased external functions.

from specparam.objs.base import BaseObject2D
from specparam.objs.model import SpectralModel
from specparam.objs.algorithm import SpectralFitAlgorithm
from import plot_group_model
from specparam.core.reports import save_group_report
from specparam.core.strings import gen_group_results_str
from specparam.core.modutils import (copy_doc_func_to_method,
                                     docs_get_section, replace_docstring_sections)
from import group_to_dataframe


[docs]@replace_docstring_sections([docs_get_section(SpectralModel.__doc__, 'Parameters'), docs_get_section(SpectralModel.__doc__, 'Notes')]) class SpectralGroupModel(SpectralFitAlgorithm, BaseObject2D): """Model a group of power spectra as a combination of aperiodic and periodic components. WARNING: frequency and power values inputs must be in linear space. Passing in logged frequencies and/or power spectra is not detected, and will silently produce incorrect results. Parameters ---------- %copied in from SpectralModel object Attributes ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power spectra. power_spectra : 2d array Power values for the group of power spectra, as [n_power_spectra, n_freqs]. Power values are stored internally in log10 scale. freq_range : list of [float, float] Frequency range of the power spectra, as [lowest_freq, highest_freq]. freq_res : float Frequency resolution of the power spectra. group_results : list of FitResults Results of the model fit for each power spectrum. has_data : bool Whether data is loaded to the object. has_model : bool Whether model results are available in the object. n_peaks_ : int The number of peaks fit in the model. n_null_ : int The number of models that failed to fit and/or that are marked as null. null_inds_ : list of int The indices of any models that are null. Notes ----- %copied in from SpectralModel object - The group object inherits from the model object. As such it also has data attributes (`power_spectrum` & `modeled_spectrum_`), and parameter attributes (`aperiodic_params_`, `peak_params_`, `gaussian_params_`, `r_squared_`, `error_`) which are defined in the context of individual model fits. These attributes are used during the fitting process, but in the group context do not store results post-fitting. Rather, all model fit results are collected and stored into the `group_results` attribute. To access individual parameters of the fit, use the `get_params` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseObject2D.__init__(self, aperiodic_mode=kwargs.pop('aperiodic_mode', 'fixed'), periodic_mode=kwargs.pop('periodic_mode', 'gaussian'), debug_mode=kwargs.pop('debug_mode', False), verbose=kwargs.pop('verbose', True)) SpectralFitAlgorithm.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def report(self, freqs=None, power_spectra=None, freq_range=None, n_jobs=1, progress=None, **plot_kwargs): """Fit a group of power spectra and display a report, with a plot and printed results. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array, optional Frequency values for the power_spectra, in linear space. power_spectra : 2d array, shape: [n_power_spectra, n_freqs], optional Matrix of power spectrum values, in linear space. freq_range : list of [float, float], optional Frequency range to fit the model to. If not provided, fits the entire given range. n_jobs : int, optional, default: 1 Number of jobs to run in parallel. 1 is no parallelization. -1 uses all available cores. progress : {None, 'tqdm', 'tqdm.notebook'}, optional Which kind of progress bar to use. If None, no progress bar is used. **plot_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass into the plot method. Notes ----- Data is optional, if data has already been added to the object. """, power_spectra, freq_range, n_jobs=n_jobs, progress=progress) self.plot(**plot_kwargs) self.print_results(False)
[docs] @copy_doc_func_to_method(plot_group_model) def plot(self, **plot_kwargs): plot_group_model(self, **plot_kwargs)
[docs] @copy_doc_func_to_method(save_group_report) def save_report(self, file_name, file_path=None, add_settings=True): save_group_report(self, file_name, file_path, add_settings)
[docs] def print_results(self, concise=False): """Print out the group results. Parameters ---------- concise : bool, optional, default: False Whether to print the report in a concise mode, or not. """ print(gen_group_results_str(self, concise))
[docs] def save_model_report(self, index, file_name, file_path=None, add_settings=True, **plot_kwargs): """"Save out an individual model report for a specified model fit. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the model fit to save out. file_name : str Name to give the saved out file. file_path : Path or str, optional Path to directory to save to. If None, saves to current directory. add_settings : bool, optional, default: True Whether to add a print out of the model settings to the end of the report. plot_kwargs : keyword arguments Keyword arguments to pass into the plot method. """ self.get_model(ind=index, regenerate=True).save_report(\ file_name, file_path, add_settings, **plot_kwargs)
[docs] def to_df(self, peak_org): """Convert and extract the model results as a pandas object. Parameters ---------- peak_org : int or Bands How to organize peaks. If int, extracts the first n peaks. If Bands, extracts peaks based on band definitions. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Model results organized into a pandas object. """ return group_to_dataframe(self.get_results(), peak_org)
def _check_width_limits(self): """Check and warn about bandwidth limits / frequency resolution interaction.""" # Only check & warn on first power spectrum # This is to avoid spamming standard output for every spectrum in the group if self.power_spectra[0, 0] == self.power_spectrum[0]: super()._check_width_limits()