API Documentation

API reference for the module.

Table of Contents

Model Objects

Objects that manage data and fit the model to parameterize neural power spectra.

Base Object

The SpectralModel object is the base object for the model, and can be used to fit individual power spectra.

SpectralModel([peak_width_limits, ...])

Model a power spectrum as a combination of aperiodic and periodic components.

Group Object

The SpectralGroupModel object allows for parameterizing groups of power spectra.

SpectralGroupModel(*args, **kwargs)

Model a group of power spectra as a combination of aperiodic and periodic components.

Time & Event Objects

The time & event objects allows for parameterizing power spectra organized across time and/or events.

SpectralTimeModel(*args, **kwargs)

Model a spectrogram as a combination of aperiodic and periodic components.

SpectralTimeEventModel(*args, **kwargs)

Model a set of event as a combination of aperiodic and periodic components.

Object Utilities

Functions to manipulate, examine, and analyze model objects.

compare_model_objs(model_objs, aspect)

Compare multiple model, checking for consistent attributes.


Combine a group of model objects into a single group model object.

average_group(group, bands[, avg_method, ...])

Average across model fits in a group model object.

average_reconstructions(group[, avg_method])

Average across model reconstructions for a group of power spectra.

fit_models_3d(group, freqs, power_spectra[, ...])

Fit power spectrum models across a 3d array of power spectra.

Data Objects

Objects to manage frequency bands, model information, and simulation parameters.

Bands Object

An object to handle frequency band definitions.


Frequency band definitions.

Model Information

Objects to store settings, metadata and results for power spectrum models.

SpectrumMetaData(freq_range, freq_res)

Metadata information about a power spectrum.

ModelSettings(peak_width_limits, ...)

User defined settings for the fitting algorithm.

ModelRunModes(debug, check_freqs, check_data)

Checks performed and errors raised by the model.

FitResults(aperiodic_params, peak_params, ...)

Model results from parameterizing a power spectrum.

Simulation Parameters

Object to store information about simulated data.

SimParams(aperiodic_params, periodic_params, nlv)

Parameters that define a simulated power spectrum.

Analyze Model Results

Functions to analyze power spectrum models and the results parameters / components.

Analyze Model Errors

Functions for analyzing the error of model fits.

Object Inputs

The following functions take in model objects directly.

compute_pointwise_error(model[, ...])

Calculate the frequency by frequency error of a model fit.

compute_pointwise_error_group(group[, ...])

Calculate the frequency by frequency error of model fits for a group of fits.

Array Inputs

The following functions operate on arrays of models and data, which may be useful for more custom work-flows.

compute_pointwise_error_arr(data_model, data)

Calculate point-wise error between original data and a model fit of that data.

Analyze Periodic Components

Functions for analyzing the periodic components of model fits.

Object Inputs

The following functions take in model objects directly, which is the typical use case.

get_band_peak(model, band[, select_highest, ...])

Extract peaks from a band of interest from a model object.

get_band_peak_group(group, band[, ...])

Extract peaks from a band of interest from a group model object.

get_band_peak_event(event, band[, ...])

Extract peaks from a band of interest from an event model object.

Array Inputs

The following functions operate on arrays of peak parameters, which may be useful for more custom work-flows.

get_band_peak_arr(peak_params, band[, ...])

Extract peaks within a given band of interest.

get_band_peak_group_arr(peak_params, band, ...)

Extract peaks within a given band of interest, from peaks from a group fit.


Extract the highest power peak.

threshold_peaks(peak_params, threshold[, param])

Extract peaks that are above a given threshold value.

Simulation Code

Code & utilities for simulating power spectra.

Generate Power Spectra

Functions for simulating neural power spectra and spectrograms.

sim_power_spectrum(freq_range, ...[, nlv, ...])

Simulate a power spectrum.

sim_group_power_spectra(n_spectra, ...[, ...])

Simulate multiple power spectra.

sim_spectrogram(n_windows, freq_range, ...)

Simulate spectrogram.

Manage Parameters

Functions and objects for managing parameters for simulated power spectra.

Stepper(start, stop, step)

Object for stepping across parameter values.


Create a generator to iterate across parameter ranges.

param_sampler(params[, probs])

Create a generator to sample randomly from possible parameters.

param_jitter(params, jitters)

Create a generator that adds jitter to parameter definitions.

update_sim_ap_params(sim_params, delta[, field])

Update the aperiodic parameter definition in a SimParams object.

Transform Power Spectra

Functions for transforming power spectra.

translate_spectrum(power_spectrum, delta_offset)

Translate a spectrum, changing the offset value.

translate_sim_spectrum(power_spectrum, ...)

Translate a simulated spectrum, updating a SimParams object.

rotate_spectrum(freqs, power_spectrum, ...)

Rotate a power spectrum about a frequency point, changing the aperiodic exponent.

rotate_sim_spectrum(freqs, power_spectrum, ...)

Rotate a simulated power spectrum, updating a SimParams object.

compute_rotation_offset(delta_exponent, ...)

Calculate the change in offset from a given rotation.

compute_rotation_frequency(delta_exponent_b, ...)

Calculate the rotation frequency between two rotated power spectra.

Simulation Utilities

Utilities for simulating power spectra.

create_freqs(freq_range, freq_res)

Generate a frequency vector.


Set the random seed value.

Plotting Functions


Plot Power Spectra

Plots for visualizing power spectra and spectrograms.

plot_spectra(freqs, power_spectra[, ...])

Plot one or multiple power spectra.

plot_spectrogram(freqs, powers[, times])

Plot a spectrogram.

Plots for plotting power spectra with shaded regions.

plot_spectra_shading(freqs, power_spectra, ...)

Plot one or multiple power spectra with a shaded frequency region (or regions).

plot_spectra_yshade(freqs, power_spectra[, ...])

Plot standard deviation or error as a shaded region around the mean spectrum.

Plot Model Properties & Parameters

Plots for visualizing periodic parameters and model components.

plot_peak_fits(peaks[, freq_range, average, ...])

Plot reconstructions of model peak fits.

plot_peak_params(peaks[, freq_range, ...])

Plot peak parameters as dots representing center frequency, power and bandwidth.

Plots for visualizing aperiodic parameters and model components.

plot_aperiodic_fits(aps, freq_range[, ...])

Plot reconstructions of model aperiodic fits.

plot_aperiodic_params(aps[, colors, labels, ax])

Plot aperiodic parameters as dots representing offset and exponent value.

Plots for visualizing model error.

plot_spectral_error(freqs, error[, shade, ...])

Plot frequency by frequency error values.

Plot Model Objects

Plots for visualizing from model objects. Note that these are the same plotting functions that can be called from the model objects directly.

plot_model(model[, plot_peaks, ...])

Plot the power spectrum and model fit results from a model object.

plot_group_model(group, **plot_kwargs)

Plot a figure with subplots visualizing the parameters from a group model object.

plot_time_model(time_model, **plot_kwargs)

Plot a figure with subplots visualizing the parameters from a SpectralTimeModel object.

plot_event_model(event_model, **plot_kwargs)

Plot a figure with subplots visualizing the parameters from a SpectralTimeEventModel object.

Annotated Plots

Annotated plots that describe the model and fitting process.

plot_annotated_model(model[, plt_log, ...])

Plot a an annotated power spectrum and model, from a model object.


Plot a series of plots illustrating the peak search from a flattened spectrum.

Plot Utilities & Styling

Plot related utilies for styling and managing plots.


Check the list of valid style arguments that can be passed into plot functions.

check_ax(ax[, figsize])

Check whether a figure axes object is defined, and define if not.

recursive_plot(data, plot_function, ax, **kwargs)

A utility to recursively plot sets of data.

save_figure(file_name[, file_path, close])

Save out a figure.


Utility functions and objects.

Data Utilities

Utilities for working with data.

trim_spectrum(freqs, power_spectra, f_range)

Extract a frequency range from power spectra.

interpolate_spectrum(freqs, powers, interp_range)

Interpolate a frequency region in a power spectrum.

interpolate_spectra(freqs, powers, interp_range)

Interpolate a frequency region across a group of power spectra.

subsample_spectra(spectra, selection[, ...])

Subsample a group of power spectra.

Parameter Utilities

Utilities for working with parameters

compute_knee_frequency(knee, exponent)

Compute the frequency value of the knee given the aperiodic parameter values.

Input / Output (IO)

load_model(file_name[, file_path, regenerate])

Load a model file into a model object.

load_group_model(file_name[, file_path])

Load a group file into a group model object.

load_time_model(file_name[, file_path, peak_org])

Load a time file into a time model object.

load_event_model(file_name[, file_path, ...])

Load an event file into an event model object.

Methods Reports

Utilities to creating methods reports.

methods_report_info([model_obj, concise])

Prints out a report of information required for methods reporting.


Prints out a text template of methods reporting information.