Source code for

"""Plots for the group model object.

This file contains plotting functions that take as input a group model object.

from specparam.core.errors import NoModelError
from specparam.core.modutils import safe_import, check_dependency
from specparam.plts.settings import PLT_FIGSIZES
from specparam.plts.templates import plot_scatter_1, plot_scatter_2, plot_hist
from specparam.plts.utils import savefig
from import style_plot

plt = safe_import('.pyplot', 'matplotlib')
gridspec = safe_import('.gridspec', 'matplotlib')


[docs]@savefig @check_dependency(plt, 'matplotlib') def plot_group_model(group, **plot_kwargs): """Plot a figure with subplots visualizing the parameters from a group model object. Parameters ---------- group : SpectralGroupModel Object containing results from fitting a group of power spectra. **plot_kwargs Additional plot related keyword arguments, with styling options managed by ``style_plot``. Raises ------ NoModelError If the model object does not have model fit data available to plot. """ if not group.has_model: raise NoModelError("No model fit results are available, can not proceed.") fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_kwargs.pop('figsize', PLT_FIGSIZES['group'])) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, wspace=0.35, hspace=0.35, height_ratios=[1, 1.2]) # Apply scatter kwargs to all subplots scatter_kwargs = plot_kwargs scatter_kwargs['all_axes'] = True # Aperiodic parameters plot ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) plot_group_aperiodic(group, ax0, **scatter_kwargs, custom_styler=None) # Goodness of fit plot ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) plot_group_goodness(group, ax1, **scatter_kwargs, custom_styler=None) # Center frequencies plot ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1, :]) plot_group_peak_frequencies(group, ax2, **plot_kwargs, custom_styler=None)
@savefig @style_plot @check_dependency(plt, 'matplotlib') def plot_group_aperiodic(group, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot aperiodic fit parameters, in a scatter plot. Parameters ---------- group : SpectralGroupModel Object to plot data from. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **plot_kwargs Additional plot related keyword arguments, with styling options managed by ``style_plot``. """ if group.aperiodic_mode == 'knee': plot_scatter_2(group.get_params('aperiodic_params', 'exponent'), 'Exponent', group.get_params('aperiodic_params', 'knee'), 'Knee', 'Aperiodic Fit', ax=ax) else: plot_scatter_1(group.get_params('aperiodic_params', 'exponent'), 'Exponent', 'Aperiodic Fit', ax=ax) @savefig @style_plot @check_dependency(plt, 'matplotlib') def plot_group_goodness(group, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot goodness of fit results, in a scatter plot. Parameters ---------- group : SpectralGroupModel Object to plot data from. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **plot_kwargs Additional plot related keyword arguments, with styling options managed by ``style_plot``. """ plot_scatter_2(group.get_params('error'), 'Error', group.get_params('r_squared'), 'R^2', 'Goodness of Fit', ax=ax) @savefig @style_plot @check_dependency(plt, 'matplotlib') def plot_group_peak_frequencies(group, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot peak center frequencies, in a histogram. Parameters ---------- group : SpectralGroupModel Object to plot data from. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **plot_kwargs Additional plot related keyword arguments, with styling options managed by ``style_plot``. """ plot_hist(group.get_params('peak_params', 0)[:, 0], 'Center Frequency', 'Peaks - Center Frequencies', x_lims=group.freq_range, ax=ax)